Listen. Really, listen. Trust, by default. But don’t accept mediocrity.
Stubbornness in vision, flexibility in approach. Always understand and focus on the “why”.
Accept ambiguity, decide nevertheless. Disagree, yet commit. All things considered, time’s up.
Take calculated risks. Celebrate code inspectors, not firefighters. Think epic.
Collaborate - you don’t need hierarchy. Treat it like it’s yours. Solve, be part of the solution.
Life cannot ride pillion to work. Here’s a glimpse of what we offer to make space for our team members’ needs.
Sometimes work should wait. We prioritise recuperation, maternal/paternal care, social duties, and wellness.
Learning is part of Ather's cultural fibre. Our capability-building initiatives empower members to evolve while they contribute to org evolution.
There is comfort in order. Our policies provide structure to our people practices, which flows into team member benefits.
Direction is as important to the self as it is to the org. Our Performance Analysis & Management philosophy, Vector, helps us align both.
Our Employee Assistance Program is available to all team members - no questions asked.
Curiosity is a way of life for us. We nurture questions, and strive to make information accessible to our team members.
A strong team is one where differences are recognized, debated, and accepted. All of us are equal but not the same. As an initial step towards weaving this essence into our culture, we have a Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Affinity Group that pursues goals to help us speak the language of inclusion.
We have a long way to go before we become a truly diverse and inclusive workforce, but with each individual step, we get closer.